Vie for the Pie!

by Ken Pratt (

(a simple race game for 2-4 players)


In a race against hunger, who will win and devour the deliciousness?






  1. Choose a token to represent each player
  2. Determine turn order, as well as which player will go first
  3. Roll the die
  4. Move forward the number of spaces indicated by the die roll (multiple players can occupy the same space)
    1. If you land on an empty blue space, do nothing
    2. If you land on a green "zip" space, you MAY CHOOSE to either move forward to the next green space or stay put
    3. If you land on a blue "pie bite" space, you MAY CHOOSE to take one of following actions (or neither):
      1. Eat the bite! Take another turn -- and proceed to step 3
      2. Give away the bite! Give a free turn to another player -- they begin at step 3, and proceed to take a turn. If they land on a pie bite space, they must either reciprocate or use it themselves (to prevent "stacking" of free turns with multiple players). After the player finishes their free turn, play continues as normal with the player after you.
  5. The next player gets their turn
  6. The first player to cross the finish line wins! (exact number of spaces NOT necessary)


Game modifications: