
The Snail Race - Dan1066


The Snail Race is a board game developed for the 15 Minute Board Game Challenge / 1st assignment in lesson one, and is intended for play between two or more people and is certainly in no way polished off.


The Rules:

To Play, you'll need a copy of the game board, a token for each player, and 3 standard 6 sided dice.



Object: To be the first person to get to the center of theshell


To Move: Roll 3 dice and move a number of spaces equal to the highest roll.  If that space is occupied, you must choose the next highest roll.  If that space is occupied, Choose the third roll.  If you are un able to move you loose a turn.


If you roll Tripples, all players shift one seat clockwise and you may move your new peice the number of spaces indicated by the roll.