Just Go

Part of the 15 Minute Board Game Challenge


UPDATE 1, July 8th, 2009:

I had originally introduced the "go back to start" rule because I felt the game was too short, so as a redesign I added a few more squares and changed the rules accordingly. They now read as follows:


1. All players place their tokens at the start square.

2. You follow the path forward as indicated by black arrows through as many colored squares as indicated by a single, six-sided dice throw.

3. If you land on the same space as your opponent, he/she goes back to your previous position.

4. If your opponent is in a square with the same color as the one you land in, she/he must go back as many spaces as needed until he/she doesn't share a color with ANY other opponents.

5. The game ends whenever a player reaches the checkered square. It doesn't have to be on an exact throw.




ORIGINAL POST from July 1st, 2009:


Please don't mind the blurred part. It's a quick, awfully written version of the rules. Sorry, English is not my first language. :)



A game for two or three players.


Be the first to reach the checkered square with an exact dice throw.


1. All players place their tokens at the start square.

2. You follow the path forward as indicated by black arrows through as many colored squares as indicated by a single, six-sided dice throw.

3. If you land on the same space as your opponent, he/she goes back to your previous position.

4. If your opponent is in a square with the same color as the one you land in, she/he must go back as many spaces as needed until he/she doesn't share a color with ANY other opponents.

5. If you land on the checkered square and you still have some movement left, you have to place your token at the start square, and your turn ends there (i.e. you can't keep moving until it's your turn again.)