
Welcome to Game Design Concepts.


This site is only open for write access to those who were registered for the Summer 2009 course. If you want to create new sections of this wiki or use it for something new, feel free. What is linked to below is just, potentially, the beginning.


If you've completed the course and are wondering what to do next, here is the next steps page.


Course Resources


Official Websites


Main course blog:

Discussion forums:

Twitter (use #GDCU tag):




Ian Schreiber (the instructor) can be reached at:

(Please think before emailing; with over a thousand people registered for this course, email volume may be overwhelming if too many people send random "hi" or "thanks" emails, so only email if you have to.)




Some people have offered to translate the course pages into languages other than English. Add your language here, then start translating!


Group Collaborations


Want a shared space to discuss ideas with friends? Create a page for your group and post there.


Shared Vocabulary for Game Design using visual reference generated from the course materials.

Methods: FUN! Artistic, Creative, Open-minded, free-form word association, mind-maps, etc...

Open to all interested and particularly the visually open-minded!


Game prototypes from levels 11-onwards: This is a place where we should be able to find other people's stuff, provided they are kind enough to link said stuff to this page


Level 18: The Final Iteration: In this page you'll find what students of the course came up with for their final designs




Challenge yourself in game design using these challenges, inspired by the lessons.


15 Minute Board Game Challenge


WW1 Game Challenge from Lesson 3


Board Game Insired By a Video Game from Home Play 4


Homeplay from Lesson 5: Dice game rules change


Additional Art Games (from Lesson 6)

