Forest Fire


Forest Fire - Iteration 2

A two player game by Carl de Visser.


Earlier Versions


Forest Fire - First Iteration (Level 1)
Forest Fire - Second Iteration




- A board is a line of 11 squares (the path). In the first square is the town. The remaining squares represent forest.

- Many red tokens representing fire. One red token is placed in the eleventh square. The rest start off board.

- 11 black tokens, these represent burnt out areas. These start off board.

- Two fire-engine markers. These start in the town (the first square).

- A number of blue water markers, these start off board, or in a drawn lake next to the first square. Alternatively the fire engines could be dice numbered from 0-5 to indicate water levels.

- A six sided dice (called a d6 here on in)


The game is asymmetric, one player is the fire. They controls a fire which is growing and is threatening to expand down the board to engulf the town. The other player is the fire chief, they has two fire engines used to rush water to the growing fire to put it out.


The fire player goes first. At the beginning of the game he has one red fire marker in the last square of the path. The players alternate turns.


Fire Player's Turn


The Fire turn consists of three parts: destroy fire engines, take an action and burn out.


A. The first thing the player does is check to see if the a firetruck is in the same square as a fire marker. If so, the firetruch is destroyed, it is removed from play.


B. Then the player has a choice of three possible actions:

1. Have wind gusts blow the fire towards the town. Place red markers on the three squares to the left of the leftmost fire marker. Do not place any fire markers on burnt out squares.; or

2. Grow the fire. Place a fire marker on any square that already contain a fire marker; or

3. Intensify the fire. Choose a square with fire markers on it. It becomes burnt out. The take twice as many firemarkers as were on the square. Place them n any squares of your vhoice (not burnet out ones), up to a distance of the number of markers on the square chosen.


C. After your choice,there may be additional burn out at the end of the turn. Any square with 6 or more fire markers becomes burnt out. Replace all the fire markers with a black burn out marker.


Effect of burn out: Fire may not be placed on a burnt out square. Burnt out squares, count towards victory.


Town fire chief's turn


The Fire Chief gets to use each fire engine in the turn. They complete the full action of one fire engine before beginning on the next.


First a fire engine may load with water if it starts the turn in the town square. A fire engine can hold a maximum of five water markers, up to this limit any number can be laoded in one turn.


Then a fire engine may either move or spray:


Move: A fire engine may move up to 5 squares, minus the number water markers it currently holds. A fire engine can be moved in either direction and need not use its full movement. A fire engine may freely move through and into fire.


Spray: You may spray water tokens one at a time until you choose to stop, there is no fire in range, or you run out of water token in the fire truck. For each water token spent, choose a fire token to remove. Then roll to see if you succeed in removing the marker. Your success is base on the range:

In the same square: Automatic

One square away: You need to roll a 3 or more on a d6

Two squares away: You need to roll a 5 or more on a d6


If you miss a fire marker, you may either try again on the same marker or swap targets on future attempts.


Fire engines suffer no consequences moving through or stopping in squares with fire tokens, however they will be destroyed if at the beginning of the fire player's turn they are in a square with fire tokens. Fire engines are safe in burnt out squares.


End of the game


The Fire Player keeps track of their victory points during play. As soon as they have ten victory points the game ends. Otherwise the game ends when no more fire tokens are on the board (and therefore, the fire can grow no more).


The fire player receives victory points as follows:

Each burnt out space: 1VP

Each destroyed fire engine: 5VP

Burning out the town square (the first square): 10VP


A score of 10 or more is a total victory for the fire player.

8-9 a marginal victory

Any other result is a loss.