Can't Run Forever


Time to create: 14 minutes.

Players: 2 to 4, represented by cartoonish character figurines.


Goal and Theme: Players are running away from the Grim Reaper. Escaping death is really difficult, so the players needs to land exactly on the last space (Fountain of Youth) to win.


Movement rules: To know how many steps a player can move in a turn, that player has to pick a card from a move cards pile. The movement cards allow players to move one, two or three steps. Each players move once in his/her turn and player’s turns are running clockwise.

Conflicts: Each space has a color, blue, yellow or red. While a player figurine land on a space, the player must pick an event card from the pile of the matching color. The player read the card text to other players and move figurines according to it.


- Blue Event Cards: Move the acting player forward from one to four steps.


- Yellow Event Cards: Allow the acting player to move one of his/her opponents’ figurines forward or backward from one to three steps. The acting player chose which opponent’s figurine he/she moves, but both the direction and the number of steps are indicated by the Event Card.


- Red Event Cards: Move the acting player backward from one to four steps.


List of Assets:

1 Game Board with a spiral path containing 40 spaces

4 Figurines of different colors

30 Movement cards

15 Blue Event Cards

10 Yellow Event Cards

15 Red Event Cards