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Art Games

Page history last edited by Jonathan Saunders 15 years, 1 month ago

From the lesson:



Post others, along with links and brief description, below.

  • Auditorium by Dain Saint and William Stallwood
    • A music driven puzzle that requires the player to guide a stream of sound to different areas in order to create a tune. There are multiple solutions to each level and a general theme to each act.  
  • Scary Girl by Nathan Jurevicius
    • A lavishly illustrated platforming adventure in a twisted world filled with bizarre characters.
  • (I Fell In Love With) The Majesty Of Colors by Gregory Weir
    • "Last night I dreamed I was an immense beast, floating in darkness. I knew nothing of the surface world until I fell in love with the majesty of colors."

      “(I Fell in Love With) The Majesty of Colors” is a pixel-horror game that puts the player behind the tentacles of a titanic, writhing sea creature. It’s a tale of love, loss, and balloons with five different endings.
  • Free Will by Raitendo
    • What if everything we choose is in fact predetermined? What is the role of the player in the artificial life of his avatar? Life is a matter of choices? Free will explore the theme with a nice joke at the end.
  • The Path by Tale of Tales
    • The Path is another experiment from Tale of Tales to challenge the boundaries of gameplay and evoke emotive responses, this time in the horror genre.  The underlying premise is taken from the age-old story of Little Red Riding Hood.  (See longer description here.)
  • The Graveyard, by Tale of Tales
    • The Graveyard is more art than game.  I would classify it in the interactive experience category rather than as a "game".  The player controls an old woman walking through a Graveyard.  She cannot move very fast (as she is old) and turning is a problem.  There is very little of the world that you can actually explore which is pronounced by the lack of ability to move quickly.  (See longer description here.)
  • I'll by Sean Barrett
    • Minimal game play, maximum consequence. A real chance to explore the same brief period of time to see what happens when one makes a simple choice to see where it leads. This is a text adventure.
  • Photopia by Adam Cadre
    • Possibly the most subtle and heart wrenching piece of Interactive Fiction (yes, another text adventure) that you can experience, especially if you are a father, even more if you are a father of girls. Time travelling back is a common theme now, but then it was ground breaking in a game.
  • Spider and Web by Andrew Plotkin
    • A really hard text adventure to play - have the walkthrough handy - but the intricate construction of the "reveals" is beautiful. The author has been approached on a few occasions for the film rights to this game, but so far no-one has managed to reproduce what it elegantly does. A real fourth wall experience, requiring a good grounding in Interactive Fiction tropes, but worth the effort.
  • Today I Die by Daniel Benmergui
    • This recent game has gotten a lot of attention. Hard to call it a "game" as many of the puzzles are mostly linear and there are no explicit goals, but the way that you start with a poem that is interactive is pretty interesting. Also interesting because its creator monetized it through a patronage model, something that has been done in the arts for a long time but is relatively new for games. Benmergui's other work can also be found on the same website, so you can see the artist's progression in games.
  • I Wish I Were The Moon by Daniel Benmergui
    • 8-bit style game inspired by an Italo Calvino story. Gameplay is similar to Weir's Majesty of Colors (above) with a copy/paste interface: copy/paste/move the objects/people around to find the different endings.
  • Storyteller by Daniel Benmergui
    • 8-bit style game: Three frames (a beginning, a middle and an end) tell a story: the interface involves dragging the three characters in the frames to different environments. Correlation Implies Causality! (sort of)
  • Tetris HD by ?
    • A really HUGE version of Tetris
  • Calabouço Tétrico by Loodo
    • A strange version of Tetris where the player is an executioner and people are falling...
    • Note that this was inspired by the discussion of such a game in Raph Koster's "Theory of Fun"
  • Opera Omnia by Stephen Lavelle
    • History is now but stories and words written on paper, but they define who we are today. Is a historian's job just documenting what has happened, or...?
  • Don't Look Back by Terry Cavanagh
    • A good introduction to thoughtful games for people who enjoy action platformers. Expect references to Greek mythology.
  • Coil by Edmund McMillen & Florian Himsl
    • It is explorative both in form and in communication. It is a game that you must figure out how to play. Furthermore, it attempts to communicate some difficult concepts.
  • Violet by Jeremy Freese
    • Interactive Fiction game about a grad student finishing his thesis to save his relationship, narrated by his girlfriend, Violet (who is mostly present as an imagined voice).
  • Grow series and other games by Eyezmaze?
    • Amazing little flash games\puzzles, talking about links and connections. Try them all. Defifnitely try chronon ver.0 Note, that there are several good endings.
  • Flower by Jenova Chen
    • Playing as the wind, the player guides and grows a swarm of petals by interacting with other flowers and the surrounding environment.

  • Garden Combat by Russ Nordman
    • Each player plants seeds in a garden. Afterwhich players place their arnies in the garden.  As plants grow what ever soldiers are knocked over are considered casualities.  At the end of the growing season the player with the most soldiers standing wins.  May weed once.

  • Pathologic

    • Check out this article. It describes the game very well.

  • Heart by Alejandro Grilli J.

    • From the authors description: "It is a short, bleak game that questions one particular human ideal/cliche.".  It's worth looking at the resulting discussion over wheather Heart is in fact a game, including "yet another definition of what makes a game" (YADOWMAG :) ), by Corvus Elrod.

  • High Delivery by Orisinal.


  • Knytt by Nifflas.
    • The creator's blurb about the game states: "Knytt is a free platform game for windows featuring exploration, atmosphere and infinite cuteness.".  There is also a dedicated forum that disscusses Knytt which could be worth checking out. The single world approach creates a sense that there are no boundry's, or those that you come across can be gotten past somehow. With simple world that is immersive without it's goals nessicarly impacting on the players experiance.

  • Lotus by Dave Seidner



  • Where by Mike Inel
    • A game where the final goal is always just out of reach.



  • How by Mike Inel
    • Get as many balls into the well as possible without falling asleep.



  • Eversion by Guilherme S. Tows
    • Plays and looks like an oldschool platformer, with the addition of the "Everse" command, which allows you to phase into parallel worlds that get closer and closer to hell.



  • Façade by Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern
    • Called by the creaters "a one-act interactive drama", this game deals with the relationship between a struggling couple.

Comments (1)

josh@thoughtlost.org said

at 1:17 pm on Jul 16, 2009

There were some really long descriptions given for a couple of games which were sort of hogging the spotlight at the top of the page, so I reorganized them to their own pages and abbreviated the amount that's listed here.

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